Friday, September 4, 2020

Analytical tools in making decisions concerning increasing commodity Essay

Expository instruments in settling on choices concerning expanding item cost - Essay Example The legislature is the arbitrator in ensuring that there is decency in the business. Financial matters being a sociology it rotates the conduct part of the human life which is forced by the shortage of assets in an individual life. In a market the association between the venders result what is called monetary harmony which results the issue of seriousness in the market. The term financial aspects is an expansive control that comprises of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is a part of financial aspects that primarily manages the choice that the specialists of the market make while leading business. The operators of the market are the individuals and organizations. Basically the investigation of microeconomics manages fundamentals of the market. It is a greater amount of explicit than general. Microeconomics attempts to bring the significance of the little operators in the market that could be ignored however are significant in the investigation of financial aspects. Th e shoppers give the market while the providers and the organizations give the products and ventures. The significant dwelling of microeconomics is in the flexibly and request powers that work in the market. The gracefully powers alludes to the accessibility of merchandise and ventures to the market while the interest alludes to the accessibility of clients of different items and administrations in the market. These powers are vital in the assurance of the cost of different wares in the market. The higher the interest it would imply that the products and ventures are hard to come by while the lower the interest it implies the merchandise and enterprises are in high gracefully. Therefore popular the costs are in soaring while in low interest the cost are low than typical (Zhang, 2005) Macroeconomics This is a part of financial aspects that mostly the entire business in the market instead of a particular substance like an organization. It attempts to look an economy at a wide view for example the general economy of the nation. In macroeconomics, issues, for example, the GDP are definitely followed and how they are influenced by variables, for example, value levels, joblessness and the pace of development. The two terms lead to a superior comprehension of financial matters. There could be a few contrasts between them however they despite everything manage investigation of creation, dissemination and utilization of merchandise. In our module we have extraordinarily managed microeconomics which involves eh investigation of the social angles and factors influencing the specialists of economy. There are different speculations that attempt to clarify the term financial matters. These are the gracefully and request hypothesis and the old style hypothesis. The gracefully and request hypothesis of financial matters chiefly involves taking a gander at the two powers in the market that altogether clarifies the connection between the purchasers and venders. The other hypothe sis is the old style hypothesis which totally focuses on the balance in the market which works in the market when the market isn't intruded. The hypothesis for the most part weights on the factor that the market ought to work unreservedly with no impedance (Adams, 2008). Scientific instruments in settling on choices concerning expanding item value The cost of any item influences the deals of any organization, which exponentially influences the benefits gained by the organization. In any dynamic procedure of any productive organization thinking of value rise is generally a dubious circumstance as it legitimately addresses the customers’ sentiments. At the value level is the place the organization straightforwardly communicates with the clients. Cost increment is impossible short-term yet it is ordinarily because of numerous elements that add to this course. It is chiefly because of

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Business Use of Media in Crisis Management

Business Use of Media in Crisis Management 1 †Introduction 2 †Why business ought to draw in with media during emergency? 3 †What procedures are effective during emergency? 4 †Recent new stories 4.1 †Barilla Pasta 4.2 †Costa Concordia Cruise 5 †Conclusion REFERENCES: List of sources: 1 †Introduction Associations have consistently lived emergencies, some financial, others strategies, increasingly regular regulatory and inner, albeit a considerable lot of them without on the off chance that it knows. At present, the speed with which data is sent and gotten and with the improvement of the media, a great part of the consideration is centered around associations and their activities in light of the fact that the populace is seen as a fundamental piece of the social procedure that associations create. Emergencies are not only issues or clashes that happen every day in associations. Emergency is an occasion that includes disappointment, which produces general misery and influences connections. Happens out of nowhere undermining the authoritative picture, business and may bring about huge monetary misfortunes. In this article, it will be examined why it is significant for business to draw in with the media during emergency. Next the methodologies that are effective in advertising for organizations during such occasions will be investigated. At long last, two ongoing reports which fixated on emergency for various business will be remarked. 2 †Why business ought to draw in with media during emergency A noteworthy danger to the business that can affect contrarily if not controlled is viewed as emergency. The danger can have negative ramifications for the association, for the business and for the partners all in all. Three related dangers are made by the emergency: the security of the general population, the money related misfortune, and notoriety harm. For instance, flight and mechanical mishaps can have genuine wounds and passings too. Budgetary misfortune can be made because of the tasks break causing a lessening in the piece of the pie or due to the diminished in buy expectation (Coombs, 2007). Dilenschneider (2000) expressed that all emergencies will influence the company’s notoriety somewhat. At the point when an organization faces an emergency, the administration need to do and say something to people in general. This is called emergency reaction. For this situation the Public Relations (PR) has a significant obligation by helping the association to arrive at people in general with its message. The reaction should be extremely speedy, precise and predictable. As per Fearn-Banks (2011) an association needs to demonstrate to its client and to the overall population also that the negative picture isn't a reality. Hence, it is extremely significant that the business draw in with the media during an emergency as quickly as time permits. The media is the most ideal approach to arrive at a wide assortment of open and partners extremely quick. The message spread out rapidly and to a lot of individuals. Presumably some non-targets will get the message; be that as it may, the most significant is the speed and reach of the message. As per Dolphin (1998) a decent message sent to the partners can make a chance to make the organization’s picture better. Indeed, even in a terrible debacle a decent message has a valuable impact. It is additionally significant for the business to connect with the media since when an organization react to the partners about what happened it is a method of improve the corporate picture and make a relationship with them. The most ideal approach to clarify the emergency is utilizing the media commitment (Barton, 2001). In addition, the commitment with the media can show that the association is capable and is attempting to do the best for the individuals who have been influenced. The message must be precise and reliable so as to improve the corporate picture. 3 †What procedures are effective during emergency? An incredible number of specialists have read open connection systems for business during emergency time so as to improve the organization’s picture. Because of this examination it was built up a rundown of notoriety fix procedures. The individual who contribute more so as to decide the notoriety procedures were Benoit (1997). From an incredible diverse number of investigates which demonstrated an issue for notoriety procedures, Benoit assess and join every one of them (Combs 2007). With crafted by Benoit and others, Coombs (2007) made a rundown of notorieties fix techniques incorporating all compositions. Coombs expressed that the notoriety fix technique can change as far as how to support the people in question and more than the association intrigue. The rundown of notoriety fix technique is made with ten systems for emergency correspondence. Those systems were isolated in essential and optional emergency reaction methodologies. The essential has three principle points: Deny emergency reaction methodology, Diminish emergency reaction and Rebuild emergency reaction procedure. The auxiliary has one fundamental point: Bolstering emergency reaction systems. The table 1 beneath show the procedures. Table 1: Crisis reaction systems †Coombs (2007) So as to survey the reputational issue of an emergency, directors ought to follow a procedure situated in two stages. The first is to characterize the emergency type considering the way that the media and partners are portraying the emergency. Coombs and Holladay (2002) make a rundown of emergencies types as indicated by the danger every one offer. See the table 2 beneath. Table 2: Crisis types by emergency bunches †Coombs and Holladay (2002) The subsequent one is to investigate the past notoriety and significant purpose of emergency history. If there should arise an occurrence of the association had a negative notoriety previously, the danger can be upgraded. Notoriety is viewed as a significant resource for the organization and it is truly significant and essential to ensure. An emergency can most likely influence the notoriety with the negative verbal exchange and it will diminish buy aim. In any case, the notoriety procedures will help to lessen this likelihood (Coombs 2007). 4 †Recent new stories A few late new stories which focused on an emergency for various organizations can be utilized for instance to feature the interchanges methodology. Two ongoing new stories will be dissected. The first is about the Barilla Pasta and its administrator, Guido Barilla, for his antigay remarks. The subsequent one is about the Costa Concordia Cruise and its skipper, Schettino, for don't follow the route framework causing a genuine mishap. 4.1 †Barilla Pasta The emergency began in September 2013. Having said that gay couples never will do promoting efforts for Barilla, the leader of the Italian pasta creator, Guido Barilla, apologized through media. The declaration was made after the announcement had negative repercussions around the globe and netizens began a crusade to blacklist the results of the brand on interpersonal organizations. The emergency kind of the activity taken by Guido Barilla can be named hierarchical wrongdoing the board unfortunate behavior. Concurring with the table 2 seen previously, this emergency type is viewed as a preventable bunch in light of the fact that in that circumstance the association realized that was making an improper move. Obviously all the confusion could have been kept away from if Barilla had not offered the expression to the Italian radio La Zanzara. Be that as it may, since an issue of this nature happens, there are methods of limiting the effect. The organization took an essential emergency reaction system. The reconstruct emergency reaction, expression of remorse, was utilized to demonstrate that the association assumes the full liability and approach partners for pardoning. Barilla rushed to react to the emergency. The organization post public statements on their official site and a video conciliatory sentiment on organization Facebook page. The withdrawal and expression of remorse from Barilla speak to basic perspectives. It was vital that he said he was not surely known and recognize the slip-up. These cases it is critical to acknowledge the mistake and upgrade the brand wouldn't like to leave a terrible picture. The speed with which the message of the President of Barilla was posted on Twitter under 24 hours after his meeting with radio was another point where the organization made the best decision. Have picked Facebook and Twitter to manage was likewise a hit from the organization. This is on the grounds that the message originally came to supporters of the brand, which were most likely inside the debate. Realizing where transferring withdrawal is basic. It must be coordinated to the correct individuals, since they take it to the individuals who despite everything don't know about the occurrence, will just excite the interest of those individuals to the reality. The executive likewise met some unique LGBT associations to apologize indeed. When all is said in done, the emergency circumstance was very much constrained by the association. 4.2 †Costa Concordia Cruise In the time of 2012, the evening of January 13, a debacle happened with one of the Costa Concordia journey transport in Italy. It hit a stone and began to sink with 3,206 travelers and 1,023 team ready. The commandant was Captain Schettino and the voyage should go around the Mediterranean ocean, including ports of Savona, Marseille, Barcelona, Palma, Cagliara, and Palermo. They are not certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Captain has not followed the route framework. In any case, they guarantee that if this errand was tailed it would show plainly the risky that they were drawing closer. Schettino said â€Å"I need to assume liability for the way that I made a judgment blunder. This time I requested the turn too late.† Then, at 22:54 on that night, the skipper provided the request to the group and travelers to relinquish the boat. This catastrophe was grouped, by the Costa Concordia Full Investigation Report, as an intense mishap with dead or missing of 32 individuals. Likewise increasingly 157 were harmed, and from this number 20 were admitted to the medical clinic. Moreover toward the end they had complete loss of the boat. With respect of the characterization of the kind of this emergency, it very well may be said t

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Conductor Investigation Experiment Lab-Report Essays

Conductor Investigation Experiment Lab-Report Essays Conductor Investigation Experiment Lab-Report Paper Conductor Investigation Experiment Lab-Report Paper Conduit Investigation Experiment Labret Introduction This trial is going to test in what manner will the monochrome wire impact the ampere of the electric flow. All the conceivable factor that will impact to the volt of the flow The Length of the wire The Diameter of the wire Temperature Magnetism Aim To decide the impact of the length of the wire on the ampere of the electric flow. Theory Monochrome is an alloy(a metal made by consolidating at least two metallic components) that is made out of 80% nickel and 20% chromium. I realize that it is a safe material that will back electric flow off, accordingly, it will deliver warmth and some light. I feel that the more monochrome wire that we utilize the ampere will be lower, I believe that is on the grounds that the more drawn out the wire is, the greater power that the wire will back off. Contraption Power Supply Wires (Leads) Alligator Clips Ammeter Monochrome Wire (20 Gauge)- (distinctive length) (2 CM, 4 CM, 6 CM, 8 CM, 10 CM) Method 1 . Set up the force gracefully. 2. Interface the ammeter and the monochrome wire. Cut 5 diverse length of wire . 4. They all should be 10 CM long. 5. Test the diverse length of the wires. 6. Record the outcomes. I will quantify the ampere that is appeared on the ammeter Fair Testing Controlled variable :a similar voltage from the force gracefully, same wires, crocodile cuts, ammeter. Free factor : The length of the monochrome wire. Subordinate variable: The ampere of the current. This is a reasonable test on the grounds t hat there is just a single thing that is distinctive in the analysis, which is the length of the chrome wire. When there is no monochrome wire in the circuit, it estimates AAA when it is associated with a 2 CM wire, the amperes diminished to 3. AAA, when it is associated with a 10 CM wire, the amperes is AAA. That shows the length of the wire effects the ampere of the circuit. The information above upheld my theory. I think this test is dependable, on the grounds that it is a reasonable test, to make it increasingly solid, I can do simple preliminaries to evidence my outcomes, When the monochrome wire is utilized, it will appears down the current and lessen warmth and some light, in this way, the ampere will be lower. Assessment The potential blunders are the length of the wires are not estimated effectively, in light of the fact that a portion of the monochrome wires are twisted when we got it, it is differ hard to gauge the length of the wire when it is twisted. I can improve that by utilizing new wires for the trial. There are additionally insufficient preliminaries of this test, if there are more preliminaries, the test will turn out to be more accumulated. The further work can be additionally estimating the voltage and check whether there are anything extraordinary.

The Idea Of Establishing A Pizza Packaging Business †Free Samples

Question: Talk about the Idea Of Establishing A Pizza Packaging Business. Answer: Distinguishing proof of a thought: Establishing a pizza bundling business can be viewed as an enterprising chance. Pizza bundling business can be viewed as a creative innovative open door since this basically helps in conveying client offer in a particular specialty showcase. Basically, the structure just as usefulness of bundling of items can be viewed as a significant component of marking. Recognized thought should be adaptable into a possible and practical plan of action that can help in settling the distinguished issues. All things considered, bundling configuration can be viewed as a fitting method to make the present item that is pizza stand apart from the result of different organizations. Once more, a bundling configuration can assist a buyer with remembering a particular logo or probably plan of shading that was there on item. Once more, the relationship that they basically make with joy of your produce and plan of the bundle can assist them with identifying and select organization in the up and coming period. Issue explanation and Target Customers Individuals need their food should be encased in a bundle and have the requirement for shielding it from various different things, for example, shock, pressure, microscopic organisms, temperature and numerous different things. Once more, a shield is required from oxygen, dust just as water fume. Additionally, pervasion can likewise be viewed as an essential factor being developed of structure. It very well may be therefore referenced that clients of the pizza require bundles that basically contain safeguards of oxygen, changed environment or, in all likelihood controlled air for food bundling for keeping the food substance safe and a similar time new and clean. There is additionally requirement for diminishing the security dangers related to shipmen of the item and this requires the need of alter safe bundling. The objective clients incorporate all the people just as associations for which the organization is making esteem, private ventures predominantly pizza retailers and people, f or example, group of wedded couples with kids, undergrads, youthful experts. Proposed Solution A portion of the relevant variables of pizza bundling that can be thought about incorporate cleanliness, differing natural effects, security for customers just as poisons in bundling. All things considered, data on effects can help in raising the familiarity with the shoppers and help them to choose bundling that can be viewed as sheltered and made sure about both at individual just as natural level (Bilgin and Danis). Creating and planning food bundling can thusly help in transportation in a clean way and proper stockpiling of food items. This can in this way reduce presentation of food to various kinds of contaminants that are available noticeable all around just as microscopic organisms especially during the way toward taking care of. In this manner this particular enterprising thought can prompt disease tallying food contamination. In any case, there are different concerns with respect to the utilization of various reused objects for food bundling. This business arrangement of pi zza bundling can resolve the distinguished issue and help in clean stockpiling just as security using reused material (Schaper and Schaper). Kinds of research attempted Various kinds of research that can be attempted for looking at the general suitability of the business thought of pizza bundling business. Basically both essential just as optional information can be utilized for the investigation. Essential research dependent on reactions of review members to inquiries in surveys can be gathered and input to open finished inquiries posed in a meeting can likewise be gathered for essential information assortment (Szopa et al.). Likewise, optional information can be gathered from various sources that incorporate books, magazines, earlier scholarly research just as legitimate sites. Moreover, blended research technique can be attempted that incorporates both quantitative just as subjective research system. Quantitative research systems include conveying bits of knowledge into recognized research issues that thus can help in the strategy of revealing differing patterns. Once more, quantitative research instruments help in evaluating various issues by me thods for producing distinctive numerical information that thus can be changed over into utilizable insights. Distinguished thought that can be framed established on thoughts created during meetings to generate new ideas. Different strategies can be utilized for this situation. Distinctive customary gatherings can be framed for the reason and present the issue, direct the whole conversation, taking part in conceptualizing and from that point making a move (Schaper and Schaper). Generally speaking plausibility just as reasonability of the current thought Generally speaking plausibility just as reasonability of the proposed thought utilizing model The Business Model Canvas Issues - there is deficiency of bundling that is outlandish - normal helplessness in the strategy of dissemination, outside strain during the way toward moving food materials - sullying that can impact the cleanliness of the food that is pizza Arrangements - Packaging arrangement of pizza can essentially shield nature of food just as wellbeing Incentive - incentive shows towards explicit heap of item/benefits that can create an incentive for various clients and are one of a kind. These variables can fulfill the distinguished needs and qualities incorporate advancement, ease of use, value, distinction and customization. Offers likewise incorporate snappy bundles, on time conveyance, transporting office, flighty just as startling varieties Out of line Advantage - The pizza bundling framework can't be easily replicated in any case purchased Client Segments - Includes all the people just as associations for which the organization is making esteem - Small organizations for the most part pizza retailers - Individuals, for example, group of wedded couples with youngsters, understudies, youthful experts Secret weapons - Key assets incorporate the reasonable framework that helps in making, conveying and vcapturing esteem. Likewise mirrors the benefits that are vital in the plan of action specifically physical (stock, instruments), scholarly (structures and marking), budgetary (capital speculation and money accessibility) and human (workers and providers). Channels - Refers to assorted touch focuses through which the pizza bundling business can cooperate with their objective clients and convey esteem. - Awareness can be created through e-club, face book, snapchat and numerous others - Through conveyance individuals who convey item entryway to entryway else astute UPS for shipments Cost Structure - Refers to the related expenses of activity that incorporate both fixed and variable. Basically, the cost structure involves bookkeeping, provisional work, legitimate costs, finance just as advantages, media transmission, publicizing, the board and organization, lease and renting Income Streams - Retail deals, web based business deals, assorted occasions, providing food and business buys, distinctive menu contributions References Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin, and Hakan Danis.Entrepreneurship, Business And Economics. New York, NY: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016. Print. Rivas, Nicholas J.Asset-Based Community Development. [Pomona [Calif.]: [California State Polytechnic University, Pomona], 2014. Print. Scarborough, Norman M, Jeffrey R Cornwall, and Thomas Zimmerer.Essentials Of Entrepreneurship And Small Business Management. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2016. Print. Schaper, Michael, and Michael Schaper.Entrepreneurship And Small Business. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley and Sons Australia, 2014. Print. Szopa, Anna et al.Academic Entrepreneurship And Technological Innovation. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference - an engraving of IGI Global, 2013. Print.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Strategic Banking Issues Regulations and Profitability Essay

Key Banking Issues Regulations and Profitability - Essay Example There is a large group of thoughts regarding the reasonable justification of the money related emergency. The old style clarification is clear. Budgetary emergency are the aftereffect of fiscal abundances. Fiscal overabundances initially make blast and afterward there is a failure. In the emergency of 2008, we had a lodging blast and bust, and these thusly prompted money related strife in the United States and rest of the world.The fiscal arrangement was deliberately free. The loan cost setting dependent on macroeconomic factors had moved fundamentally from the rates recommended by the strategy creators. The Federal Reserve said that the loan fees would be low for an impressive period and afterward would ascend at a deliberate pace. These activities were sporadic government mediations to diminish the dread of emptying that Japan had looked in the 1990s.There are a couple contending clarifications for the emergency. One of the contentions is called ‘Global Savings Glut.’ Proponents of this idea contend that the low financing costs in 2002-2004 were brought about by worldwide elements and therefore money related specialists have nothing to do. This elective clarification centers around worldwide sparing. It contends that there was an abundance of world sparing or a ‘global sparing glut’ as is commonly said and it pushed financing costs down in the United States and different nations. In any case, the numbers from the International Monetary Fund says an alternate story. The numbers tells that the worldwide investment funds rate as a level of world’s GDP in 2002-04 was extremely low contrasted with the 1970s and 1980s.... The Federal Reserve said that the financing costs would be low for an extensive period and afterward would ascend at a deliberate pace. These activities were sporadic government mediations to decrease the dread of collapse that Japan had looked during the 1990s (Taylor, 2009, pp. 3-4). There are a couple contending clarifications for the emergency. One of the contentions is called ‘Global Savings Glut.’ Proponents of this idea contend that the low loan costs in 2002-2004 were brought about by worldwide elements and hence money related specialists have nothing to do. This elective clarification centers around worldwide sparing. It contends that there was an abundance of world sparing or a ‘global sparing glut’ as it's been said and it pushed financing costs down in the United States and different nations. Be that as it may, the numbers from the International Monetary Fund says an alternate story. The numbers tells that the worldwide reserve funds rate as a le vel of world’s GDP in 2002-04 was low contrasted with the 1970s and 1980s (Taylor, 2009, pp. 5-6). The emergency began as the fall of subprime loaning market. Here the money related connection with the subprime contract issue should be comprehended. In the mid year of 2007, the United States originally encountered a striking constriction in riches. The hazard spread expanded, and the credit advertise crumbled. The 2007 United States sub-prime emergency has its underlying foundations in falling lodging costs and this prompted higher default levels especially among less credit-commendable borrowers. The effect of these defaults on the monetary area has been to a great extent misrepresented because of the unpredictable packaging of commitments that was idea to spread hazard productively. Sadly, the following devices were amazingly

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Life and Learning in the Other Cambridge

Life and Learning in the Other Cambridge [by Justin 08] We are, we are, we are, we are The Engineers drinking song is being proudly sung by a pack of ever so slightly inebriated beavers. Our Harry Potter friends are looking on in amazement as to what kind of Wizards Institute of Technology could engender such devotion. The Cambridge-MIT exchange has successfully made this years land-fall and both universities are trying to learn each others secrets to success. Although some of my fellow MIT students view our exchange as Cambridge trying to shake off its 700 year layer of dust and pick up some MIT-brand entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, my exploits in the Mathematics department have led me to a different perspective. Its not all cranky tradition on this side of the pond, and Cambridge has a few tricks of its own to share. Structurally, Cambridge and MIT couldnt be more different. Learning is divided up into three independent branches, that I will argue provide a superior culture for learning. These three branches are the colleges, which are the home to the supervision system, the lecturers, which are faculty members who must apply to their departments in order to lecture, and the examiners, who are an anonymous group who set the questions to be examined at the end of the year. The university is made up of some 30 colleges which are all financially, geographically, and socially distinct from each other. Students do not apply directly to the university, but rather to their college of choice. Admissions are tough and Cambridge engineers are sometimes plagued with interview questions that some MIT students wont see until their first interview with Goldman-Sachs. As a member of Churchill College, I am one of 17 math majors (mathmos as the natives say) who is closely watched over by my Director of Studies (DoS). My DoS will then arrange for me to have approximately 4 supervisions per class per term. The supervision system is considered to be the highlight of the Cambridge educational experience. Imagine having a one on one (sometimes two on one) recitation with you and a faculty member or graduate student who knows the subject exceedingly well. In preparation for these supervisions, you are to work out as many problems as possible that are assigned by the lectur ers. Whereas the idea of only having 4 problem sets per class may sound like paradise to most MIT students, staring at a 17 question Analysis problem set two days before the supervision, suddenly is a lot more intimidating. The main advantage to the supervisions is that the example sheets are not graded and the supervisors have no connection with lecturers or examiners. When I get stuck on a problem or am unsure about a step in a solution, I openly annotate my own example sheet for discussion in supervision. Lectures and classes tend to have a better attendance rate compared to my MIT classes. Each college is trying to improve its own exam results, so students from a subject are encouraged, not only by peers, but by the sometimes not-so-friendly college competition to attend as many lectures as possible. One then arranges supervisions in a majority of them, and then picks a subset of those to review for the final examination. As a Cambridge student you have three 8 week terms with lectures concentrated in the first two terms. 8 week terms are certainly intense, but the high burn-out rate during the 13 week semester at MIT is not nearly as evident. Lectures are open and do not necessarily entail painful amounts of work. You can choose how involved you want to be, and no one really minds if you decided to dump a bad class. Although some of my friends at MIT audit courses, too often will people think they are interested in a course, put a lot of effort into it, but then realize too late tha t their interest does not match their effort. Often MIT students become too willing to compensate their education for their GPA. In comparison, I will attend 12 or so courses for the year, and only supervise and review 10 for the exam. Although some may review anywhere between 6 and 10 for the exam, there is less commitment for attending a lecture, and thus students are more likely to engage in the contract of learning Of course an 8 week semester may contain a lot of information, but not as much as semester of MIT. I offer the analogy that MIT semesters give large pillars of knowledge and Cambridge builds brick walls. You might reach higher, but your understanding can sometimes be on rocky foundations. In mathematics, Cambridge might ease you into the bath water of abstraction, in contrast to the cannon-ball approach of 18.100B, but there is a lot of context that you learn to motivate and support your understanding. Furthermore, whereas there is plenty of room at MIT to be intimidated by the freshman taking graduate-level subjects, everyone at Cambridge, from your lowly genius to your Isaac Newton starts the same course of study. Both systems clearly have their own advantage. Although being forced to repeat courses may sound like a hindrance rather than an advantage, one often gains an intuition for things not appreciated on the first encounter. One day this term I sat down to have my 3 hours of lecture spat at me right in a row (which frees up time in the afternoon to work, and thus sleep for the evening) and every lecture talked about a similar concept but in three distinct settings. Redundancy is not a strong feature of any course of study at MIT (with courses 2 and 6 maybe as exceptions), but it reinforces learning and stimulates a strong synthesis of ideas. Finally, the third consul in our triumvirate is the common enemy of the other two: The Exam. After some of you finish 18.02, 8.01, or 3.091 this term there is little concern for how much you will remember six months from now. It seems to be a general feature of the American education system, that if you have a good enough short-term memory and study hard enough, you can usually soak up enough knowledge and worked examples to spew onto a final exam a few days later and do well. On the contrary, 6 months from now I will begin my final term of Cambridge, audit a course of two and spend the majority of my time reviewing material from the entire year. Results on the exam are divided into five categories: First, Two-One, Two-Two, Third, and Fail. Results from each year become an object of fascination among all the colleges and potential employers. Talk of who is the top-first is hotly discussed and college rivalry reaches its peak. Once exams are over, instead of everyone running home to l ick their wounds, they launch into May Week filled with dozens of May Balls where everyone regales in college life. The Cambridge-MIT Institute was founded to make two of the worlds best universities better. In 1970, Dean of Institute Relations at MIT, Benson R. Snyder, published a book entitled The Hidden Curriculum. In this book, Snyder provides a sweeping critique of MIT and a culture of bible-compilation, copying of problem sets, and the perceived battle of the student body against the Institute as a whole. Based on my early observations here in Cambridge and my two years at MIT, there is clearly improvements to be made on both sides of the Atlantic. Although the institute will continue to change, Engineers everywhere will keep on singing We are, we are, we are, we are, we are the Engineers!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

MBA Scholarships

You don’t need us to tell you that Business School is expensive. But there are more resources available to help you pay for it than you might think. With some careful research into scholarship and fellowship opportunities, you could be on your way to funding your degree. Funding for your MBA may be offered by specific universities or programs, or by outside private sources (such as foundations, alumni groups, or companies). The key for scholarship candidates is research. Start by thoroughly reviewing any funding opportunities at your chosen school. Do they offer a full-ride fellowship program for high merit students? Perhaps the university participates in a wider fellowship program, such as the †¢Consortium Fellowship, which provides funding for outstanding applicants who demonstrate a commitment to the Consortium’s mission of promoting diversity and inclusion in American business and who are applying to member universities. †¢Fortà © Foundation, which provides funding for outstanding women. Next, consider your interests, affiliations and goals. Maybe you already have a professional connection with an organization or company that offers scholarships. Maybe theres an organization that offers scholarships to support the next generation of leaders in the field you intend to pursue. Maybe you’re a member of an underrepresented community, and theres a community-based MBA association (or alumni association at the school you plan to attend) that funds scholarships— see for example the National Black MBA Association or the National Society of Hispanic MBAs . International students planning to pursue their studies in the US might consider the Fulbright. Finally, conduct a general scholarship search. Many companies and foundations offer scholarships for MBA students, and the web makes it easy to find them. Create a profile on a free database such as or (these contain a lot of undergrad listings, but they also have some MBA-specific scholarships). There are also targeted books available—a good one is Schlachter and Webber’s How to Pay for Your Degree in Business Related Fields, published by Reference Service Press. The requirements for your scholarship applications will be similar to your admission applications: essays, recommendations, academic transcripts, resumes. For large, school-based fellowships, finalists will often be interviewed. And remember to start your search early—don’t let opportunities pass you by! By Dr. Rebecca Blustein, editor and former Student Affairs Officer at UCLA’s Scholarship Resource Center. Dr. Blustein can help you with your application or scholarship essays.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

French Expressions Using Trouver

The French verb trouver literally means to find and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to meet ones match, find ones way, be lost for words, and more with this list of expressions with trouver. Possible Meanings of Trouver to findto come acrossto come up withto imagine Expressions with Trouver trouver à   boireto find something to drinktrouver à   se distraireto find a way to amuse oneselftrouver à   faireto find something to do, to manage to do somethingtrouver à   mangerto find something to eattrouver à   soccuperto find a way to keep busytrouver à   qui parlerto meet ones match, get more than one bargained fortrouver à   redire à   quelque choseto find fault with, criticize, have a complaint about somethingtrouver bien à   faireto be bound to do somethingtrouver bon de faireto see fit to do somethingtrouver le bonheurto find happinesstrouver bonne mine à   quelquunto think someone looks welltrouver le cheminto find ones waytrouver une consolation dans quelque choseto find consolation in somethingtrouver le courageto find the couragetrouver des difficultà ©sto come up against difficultiestrouver là ©nergieto find the energytrouver grà ¢ce auprà ¨s de quelquunto find favor with someonetrouver grà ¢ce aux yeux de quelquunto find favor with someonetrouver une idà ©eto hit on an ideatrouver la mortto meet ones deathtrouver le moyen de faireto find some way of doing, to manage to dotrouver plaisir à   faire quelque choseto take pleasure in doing somethingtrouver plaisir à   quelque choseto take pleasure in somethingtrouver un planto hit on a plantrouver preneurto find a buyer, takertrouver queto think, believe thattrouver quelque chose à   son goà »tto find something to ones likingtrouver quelque chose en quelquunto find something in someonetrouver quelque chose mauvais (informal)to not like something at alltrouver quelque chose trop adjto find something too adjtrouver quelquun adjto find someone adj, to think someone looks adjtrouver sa voieto find oneself, find ones life pathtrouver le sommeilto get to sleeptrouver son bonheurto find what one is looking fortrouver son maà ®treto find ones mastertrouver le tempsto find the timetrouver le temps longto find that time passes slowlyaller trouver quelquunto go see someonene pas tro uver ses motsto be at a loss for wordsvenir trouver quelquunto come and see someoney trouver son compteto get something out of itComment las-tu trouvà ©(e)  ? What do you think of him (her)?Jai trouvà ©Ã‚  !Ive got it!Oà ¹ est-il allà © trouver à §a  ?Where did he get that idea from? Whatever gave him that idea?Quest-ce que tu lui trouves  ?What do you seen in him?Tu le (la) trouves sympa  ?Do you like him (her)? Do you think (s)hes nice?Tu trouves  ?Do you think so?Tu trouves à §a normal  ?Do you think thats right?bien trouvà ©well-spoken, cleverune formule bien trouvà ©eclever phrasetout trouvà ©ready-made, obviousune excuse toute trouvà ©eready-made excuseune explication toute trouvà ©eobvious explanationune solution toute trouvà ©eready-made solutionun sujet tout trouvà ©obvious topic Possible Meanings of Se Trouver to beto be foundto be situatedto feelto find oneselfto think/consider oneself adj Expressions with Se Trouver se trouver avoirto happen to havese trouver biento feel well, comfortable, happyse trouver bien davoir fait quelque choseto be glad to have done somethingse trouver daccordto happen to agreese trouver dans limpossibilità © de faireto find oneself unable to do, to not be in a position to dose trouver dans lobligation de faireto find oneself compelled to do, to have to dose trouver dans une situation dà ©licateto find oneself in a delicate situationse trouver à ªtreto happen to bese trouver malto pass out, faintse trouver mal davoir fait quelque choseto regret having done somethingse trouver mieuxto feel betterÇa ne se trouve pas sous le pas/sabot dun cheval. Thats not easy to find, not easy to come by.Ça se trouve facilement.You can find that anywhere.Il sen est mal trouvà ©.He lived to regret it.Je me suis trouvà © fin  !I looked like an idiot!Oà ¹ se trouve ...  ?Where is ...  ?Il se trouve... (impersonal)There is/are...Il se trouve que...It happens to be..., As it à §a se trouve (informal)maybe, its possibleTrouver conjugations

Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on August Wilsons Fences - 2481 Words

August Wilson’s: â€Å"Fences† In â€Å"Fences†, August Wilson tells the story of an ex-negro league baseball hero, Troy Maxon. Troy is a bitter man, withering away in his own hatred for the way things â€Å"are†, as well as his inability to see the world has changed. Troy has an â€Å"iron grip† on his family in the beginning, however as the story progresses the family breaks loose of the physical and emotional ties that are holding them down. Wilson uses character, setting, and symbolism to set the scene for Troy’s inner torment. Through characterization Wilson introduces Troy. Troy is a garbage collector. The year is 1957, which†¦show more content†¦Cory has a chance at a football scholarship, and yet Troy refuses to let him have his chance, stating, â€Å"The white man ain’t gonna let you get nowhere with that football noway† (1591; act I; scene 3). While Troy’s past experiences have shaped his opinions, there is definitely an element of jealousy there as well, for the opportunities not offered him, but are being offered to Cory. In â€Å"Fertile ground: August Wilson’s ‘Fences’†, Mollie Wilson O’Reilly adds, â€Å"Resentment over having come along ‘too early’ to build a career in baseball as a black man keeps Troy from acknowledging that conditions may ever be better for his son†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (O’Reilly). Troy is resistant to change. While a part of him is truly trying to help Cory get into a profession that â€Å"†¦nobody can take away†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1590; act I; scene 3), another par t of him is obviously secretly jealous, trying, essentially, to keep Cory down as he had been kept down for so many years. O’Reilly states, â€Å"Troy’s life has been shaped by racial discrimination, economic injustice, and an abusive upbringing† (O’Reilly). So, Troy is in fact trying to break the cycle of abuse andShow MoreRelatedThe Symbolic Importance of the Fence in August Wilson’s Fences1179 Words   |  5 Pages Alan Nadel argues that the object of the fence in August Wilson’s play, â€Å"Fences† symbolizes a great struggle between the literal and figurative definitions of humanity and blackness. The author summarizes the play and uses the character Troy to explain the characterization of black abilities, such as Troy’s baseball talents, as â€Å"metaphoric,† which does not enable Troy to play in the white leagues as the period is set during segregation (Nadel 92). The author is trying to use the charactersRead MoreEssay on August Wilsons Fences961 Words   |  4 Pages August Wilson’s Fences was centered on the life of Troy Maxson, an African American man full of bitterness towards the world because of the cards he was dealt in life amidst the 1950’s. In the play Troy was raised by an unloving and abusive father, when he wanted to become a Major League Baseball player he was rejected because of his race. Troy even served time in prison because he was impoverished and needed money so he robbed a bank and ended up killing a man. Troy’s life was anything but easyRead MoreSummary Of August Wilsons Fence1095 Words   |  5 PagesThe significance of play â€Å"Fence† by August Wilson’s start from the setting part partially he was trying to show the structure of troy family. â€Å"The yard is a small dirt yard, partially fenced, except for the last scene, with a wooden sawhorse, a pile of lumber, and other fenc e-building equipment set off to the side. Opposite is a tree from which hangs a ball made of rags. A baseball bat leans against the tree. Two oil drums serve as garbage receptacles and sit near the house at right to complete theRead More August Wilsons Fences - Building Fences Essay3028 Words   |  13 PagesAugust Wilsons Fences - Building Fences The first time I read August Wilsons Fences for english class, I was angry. I was angry at Troy Maxson, angry at him for having an affair, angry at him for denying his son, Cory, the opportunity for a football scholarship.I kept waiting for Troy to redeem himself in the end of the play, to change his mind about Cory, or to make up with Ruth somehow. I wanted to know why, and I didnt, couldnt understand. I had no intention of writing my research paperRead MoreFeminist Criticism In August Wilsons Fences732 Words   |  3 PagesWithin August Wilson’s Fences, the conflict between the authority figures within the Maxson household was prevalent. At this time in history, misogyny was widespread, and men typically held a large majority of the authority positions in society. Some scenes from Wilson’s Fences would include times in which Troy Maxson would depict seemingly oppressive authority over his family members. Troy often acted in a rather arrogant manner, which contribu ted to the strong sense of patriarchy that was presentRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of August Wilsons Fences758 Words   |  4 PagesRhetorical Analysis Paper August Wilson’s play, â€Å"Fences†, is a play about a father who is trying to make do to support his family as well as come to terms with his boisterous upbringing and the collapse of his Major League Baseball career. The Father, Troy Maxson, resents his son’s painless childhood and chances to pursue a college level football career. In multiple excerpts from the play, Troy brutally lectures his son Cory about life and adulthood. He uses short and incomplete sentences, rhetoricalRead MoreSpirituality Religion in August Wilsons Fences1072 Words   |  5 PagesFen Spirituality amp; Religion | In August Wilson’s â€Å"Fences† | | Mia Savage ENG 102 Essay #3 | 11/11/2011 | Introduction: â€Å"Fences† is one of ten plays written by August Wilson that document historic periods in Black American life. It is a colorful and thoughtfully written piece that tells the story of one family’s struggle in Civil Rights Era America, an empowering and complicated time for lower and middle class blacks struggling to attain an ideal of the â€Å"American Dream†. TroyRead MoreAnalysis of August Wilsons Fences706 Words   |  3 PagesHow would you feel if you witness that your life has been a complete failure? This is the question that Troy Maxson, the leading character in the drama Fences written by August Wilson, had to live with for the rest of his existence. It is the year of 1957 in Pittsburgh, where African descendants escaped from the savage conditions they had in the south. They were living in a world without freedom. While the play develops, the author shows the 1950s as a time when a new world of opportunities forRead MoreCharacter Analy sis of August Wilsons Fences879 Words   |  4 PagesIn the play Fences, by August Wilson, the main character, Troy Maxson is involved in numerous relationships with family members throughout the entire eight years that the story takes place. Troy is a father, husband, and brother to other characters in the play. Unfortunately for Troy, a strong-minded and aggressive man, he constantly complicates the relationships with his family members. Troys hurtful actions and words make it nearly impossible for him to sustain healthy relationships with not onlyRead MoreThe Interpretation Of August Wilsons Fences By Denzel Wilson724 Words   |  3 PagesAugust Wilsons’ play â€Å"Fences† gave the American stage one of the most renowned characters. As Wilson originally writes in the play, Troy Maxson, who is an uneducated sanitation worker and a former Negro League Baseball player is depicted as a multi-faceted tragic figure from the mid-1950s Pittsburgh of Wilson’s childh ood. This being the case, in the adaptation of this play, Denzel Washington understands the kind of ‘largeness’ portrayed in Wilson’s play and is hence portrayed a shadow that Troy casts

Monday, May 11, 2020

How Minority Voters Helped Obama Win Reelection

Americans from ethnic minority groups voted en masse to help  President Barack Obama win reelection. While just 39% of white Americans voted for Obama on Election Day 2012, staggering amounts of blacks, Hispanics and Asians backed the president at the ballot box. The reasons for this are multifaceted, but minority voters largely supported the president because they felt that Republican candidate Mitt Romney could not relate to them. A national exit poll revealed that 81% of Obama supporters said the quality that mattered most to them in a presidential candidate is whether he â€Å"cares about people like me.† Romney, born into wealth and privilege, apparently didn’t fit the bill. The growing disconnect between Republicans and the diverse American electorate wasn’t lost on political analyst Matthew Dowd. He remarked on ABC News after the election that the Republican Party no longer reflects U.S. society, using a television show analogy to make his point. â€Å"Republicans right now are a ‘Mad Men’ party in a ‘Modern Family’ world,† he said. The rise in minority voters reveals how much the United States has changed from 25 years ago when the electorate was 90% white. If the demographics had not changed, its highly unlikely that Obama would have made it to the White House. Loyal African Americans Blacks may be the second-largest minority group in the United States, but their share of the electorate is larger than any other community of color. On Election Day 2012, African Americans made up 13% of U.S. voters. Ninety-three percent of these voters supported Obama’s reelection bid, down just 2% from 2008. While the African  American community has been accused of favoring Obama precisely because he’s black, the group has a long history of loyalty to Democratic political candidates. John Kerry, who lost the 2004 presidential race to George W. Bush, won 88% of the black vote. Given that the black electorate was 2% larger in 2012 than it was in 2004, the group’s devotion to Obama undoubtedly gave him an edge. Latinos Break Voting Record More Latinos than ever before turned out at the polls on Election Day 2012. Hispanics made up 10% of the electorate. Seventy-one percent of these Latinos backed President Obama for reelection. Latinos likely backed Obama overwhelmingly over Romney because they supported the president’s Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) as well as his decision to stop deporting undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children. Republicans widely vetoed the  legislation known as the DREAM Act, which would have not only protected such immigrants from deportation but also put them on the path to citizenship. Republican opposition to immigration reform has alienated Latino voters, 60% of whom say they know an unauthorized immigrant, according to a Latino Decisions poll taken on the eve of the 2012 election. Affordable health care is also a major concern of the Latino community. Sixty-six percent of Hispanics say the government should ensure that the public has access to health care, and 61% support Obamacare, according to Latino Decisions. Rising Influence of Asian Americans Asian Americans make up a small (3%) but a growing percentage of the U.S. electorate. An estimated 73% of Asian Americans voted for President Obama, Voice of America determined on Nov. 7 using preliminary exit poll data. Obama has strong ties to the Asian community. Hes not only a native of Hawaii but grew up partly in Indonesia and has a half-Indonesian sister. These aspects of his background likely resonated with some Asian Americans.   While Asian American voters don’t yet wield the influence that black and Latino voters do, expect them to be a bigger factor in the next presidential election.  The Pew Research Center reported in 2012 that the Asian American community has actually outpaced Hispanics as the fastest-growing immigrant group in the country. In the 2016 presidential election, Asian Americans are expected to make up 5% of voters, if not more.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Defining the Twenties in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott...

The Great Gatsby Literary Analysis The book, The Great Gatsby, was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and it was published in 1925. This novel is one that defines the Twenties. The speaker of the book is a young man who goes by the name of Nick Carraway, who is from Minnesota. Throughout the book, he both narrates the story and casts himself as the author of this book. His father taught him to reserve judgment about other people that crossed his path. This is because if he deals with them through his moral standards, then he will misunderstand them and their purpose. In the summer of 1922, he has arrived in New York to work in the bond business. He rented a house in Long Island called West Egg. Nick has a next door neighbor named Jay Gatsby, who lives in a mansion and has parties every Saturday night. Nick was educated at Yale University and he has social connections at East Egg. One evening, Nick goes to dinner with his cousin, Daisy Buchanan, and her husband, Tom, one of Nickà ¢â‚¬â„¢s classmates at Yale. At dinner, Daisy and Tom introduce Nick to a beautiful young woman named Jordan Baker, and eventually Nick begins a relationship with her. Jordan also tells Nick that Tom has an affair with a girl from the valley of ashes called Myrtle Wilson. As the summer goes on, Nick gets an invitation to one of Gatsby’s parties. When he gets to the party, he finds that Jordan Baker is also there. Later in the party Jordan and Gatsby talk and Gatsby tells Jordan that he is deeplyShow MoreRelatedF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1458 Words   |  6 Pages2016 â€Å"The Jazz Age† The iconic novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, utilizes multiple songs throughout the story. â€Å"Fitzgerald’s wok has become automatically identified with an American decade: The Jazz Age (which he named) or the Roaring Twenties or The Boom.† (Fitzgerald, IX). The Twenties was a time full of exploration of alcohol and music and the move from small farms into large cities. â€Å"Since The Great Gatsby is the defining novel of the Twenties, which have become trivialized and vulgarizedRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1684 Words   |  7 Pagesoneself is a defining connection between the central characters of The Great Gatsby, a timeless classic written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, set in a hedonistic summer of 1922 America, and Death of a Salesman, written by American playwright Arthur Miller set in 1949 America. The characterisation of both Willy and Gatsby illustrate that they have similarities, in a way that are considered destitute, with impe rfect ethical conduct. To a certain extent both protagonists have the right intentions; Gatsby wants toRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1345 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great Gatsby (1925) is very modern in style due to the assortment of different techniques used by F. Scott Fitzgerald throughout the novel, in order to keep up with the trend of 20th century modern literature. Through the critical analysis of techniques used such as symbols, ideas, narration and characters we can explore in-depth to what extent that The Great Gatsby can be deemed as ‘modern’ in style. During the modernist period in the 1920’s, when The Great Gatsby was written, modernism wasRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1674 Words   |  7 PagesThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a novel that was published in 1925 which was a period known as the â€Å"roaring twenties†. During this period, America was witnessing a post war euphoria that was a companie d by prosperity, glamour, self-indulgence and excessive consumption (Bloomfield, p. 17). According to Bourdieu, America at that time was going through a gaudiest spree in history that was characterized by a lot of social change and mobility (p.2). For example, the stock market was gettingRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1262 Words   |  6 Pages Many consider The Great Gatsby a beautiful love story. A literary review site, for example, says about Fitzgerald’s most famous work: â€Å"The Great Gatsby is probably F. Scott Fitzgerald s greatest novel [†¦] Gatsby is really nothing more than a man desperate for love†(The Great Gatsby Review). Popular opinion paints Gatsby as such: A man desperate for love, devoid of any evil. But a closer look uncovers a new side of Jay Gatsby because Gatsby, underneath his glorious faà §ade, is a sociopath. TheRead MoreEssay on F Scott Fitzgerald2010 Words   |  9 PagesF Scott Fitzgerald Influence plays a major role in the lives of all artists. Whether it is a painter, musician, or author, if they hadn’t been influenced in some way, their work would be nowhere near as compelling as it is. What shines through in the work of any artist is emotion; if art was without emotion it’s pretty inevitable that it would not draw so large an audience. In fact, without emotion or influence, art would have an almost scientific feel to it. It is because of the individual influencesRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1938 Words   |  8 Pagesmaking the liquor cheaper. Wall Street was luring the young and ambitious, and I was one of them.† As the twenty first century begins to mirror the economic trends seen of the 1920s, the ideals of the age are reinvigorated and reflected. This is seen highly with Baz Luhrmann’s 2013 adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel, The Great Gatsby. Originally published in 1925 , the story of Gatsby has been reformatted for the screen several times. Each with an individual spin on the representationRead MoreThe Great Gatsby: America in the 1920s2381 Words   |  10 PagesConsidered as the defining work of the 1920s, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald was published in 1925, when America was just coming out of one of the most violent wars in the nation’s history. World War 1 had taken the lives of many young people who fought and sacrificed for our country on another continent. The war left many families without fathers, sons, and husbands. The 1920s is an era filled with rich and dazzling history, where Americans experienced changes in lifestyle from m usicRead MoreThe Absolute Value Of America1555 Words   |  7 Pagesthat led up to today’s consumerist culture; the economic ups and downs of the 1920s through the 1950s, the anti-consumerist movement in the 1960s, and people’s obsession with material items in modern society. The 1920s, also known as the â€Å"Roaring twenties,† was a time of increased wealth and prosperity for some. After World War I, production in America increased dramatically due to inventions such as the assembly line and little to no government interference in business. People were able to revelRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1977 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality†. (Iris Murdoch). How had Jay Gatsby left such an imprint on Nick’s life? Jay Gatsby’s greed and imagination had left his efforts blinded, from the undying need to win Daisy back. However, most people have surrounded themselves with respect on their ethics and morals. Gatsby along with the other citizens of the West and East Egg had constructed their lives around their philosophy and opinion of a good life

Digital Fortress Chapter 19 Free Essays

â€Å"What if someone else is looking for the ring?† Susan asked, suddenly nervous. â€Å"Could David be in danger?† Strathmore shook his head. â€Å"Nobody else knows the ring exists. We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Fortress Chapter 19 or any similar topic only for you Order Now That’s why I sent David. I wanted to keep it that way. Curious spooks don’t usually tail Spanish teachers.† â€Å"He’s a professor,† Susan corrected, immediately regretting the clarification. Every now and again Susan got the feeling David wasn’t good enough for the commander, that he thought somehow she could do better than a schoolteacher. â€Å"Commander,† she said, moving on, â€Å"if you briefed David by car phone this morning, someone could have intercepted the-â€Å" â€Å"One-in-a-million shot,† Strathmore interrupted, his tone reassuring. â€Å"Any eavesdropper had to be in the immediate vicinity and know exactly what to listen for.† He put his hand on her shoulder. â€Å"I would never have sent David if I thought it was dangerous.† He smiled. â€Å"Trust me. Any sign of trouble, and I’ll send in the pros.† Strathmore’s words were punctuated by the sudden sound of someone pounding on the Node 3 glass. Susan and Strathmore turned. Sys-Sec Phil Chartrukian had his face pressed against the pane and was pounding fiercely, straining to see through. Whatever he was excitedly mouthing was not audible through the soundproofed glass. He looked like he’d seen a ghost. â€Å"What the hell is Chartrukian doing here?† Strathmore growled. â€Å"He’s not on duty today.† â€Å"Looks like trouble,† Susan said. â€Å"He probably saw the Run-Monitor.† â€Å"Goddamn it!† the commander hissed. â€Å"I specifically called the scheduled Sys-Sec last night and told him not to come in!† Susan was not surprised. Canceling a Sys-Sec duty was irregular, but Strathmore undoubtedly had wanted privacy in the dome. The last thing he needed was some paranoid Sys-Sec blowing the lid off Digital Fortress. â€Å"We better abort TRANSLTR,† Susan said. â€Å"We can reset the Run-Monitor and tell Phil he was seeing things.† Strathmore appeared to consider it, then shook his head. â€Å"Not yet. TRANSLTR is fifteen hours into this attack. I want to run it a full twenty-four-just to be sure.† This made sense to Susan. Digital Fortress was the first ever use of a rotating cleartext function. Maybe Tankado had overlooked something; maybe TRANSLTR would break it after twenty-four hours. Somehow Susan doubted it. â€Å"TRANSLTR keeps running,† Strathmore resolved. â€Å"I need to know for sure this algorithm is untouchable.† Chartrukian continued pounding on the pane. â€Å"Here goes nothing.† Strathmore groaned. â€Å"Back me up.† The commander took a deep breath and then strode to the sliding glass doors. The pressure plate on the floor activated, and the doors hissed open. Chartrukian practically fell into the room. â€Å"Commander, sir. I†¦ I’m sorry to bother you, but the Run-Monitor†¦ I ran a virus probe and-â€Å" â€Å"Phil, Phil, Phil,† the commander gushed pleasantly as he put a reassuring hand on Chartrukian’s shoulder. â€Å"Slow down. What seems to be the problem?† From the easygoing tone in Strathmore’s voice, nobody would ever have guessed his world was falling in around him. He stepped aside and ushered Chartrukian into the sacred walls of Node 3. The Sys-Sec stepped over the threshold hesitantly, like a well-trained dog that knew better. From the puzzled look on Chartrukian’s face, it was obvious he’d never seen the inside of this place. Whatever had been the source of his panic was momentarily forgotten. He surveyed the plush interior, the line of private terminals, the couches, the bookshelves, the soft lighting. When his gaze fell on the reigning queen of Crypto, Susan Fletcher, he quickly looked away. Susan intimidated the hell out of him. Her mind worked on a different plane. She was unsettlingly beautiful, and his words always seemed to get jumbled around her. Susan’s unassuming air made it even worse. â€Å"What seems to be the problem, Phil?† Strathmore said, opening the refrigerator. â€Å"Drink?† â€Å"No, ah-no, thank you, sir.† He seemed tongue-tied, not sure he was truly welcome. â€Å"Sir†¦ I think there’s a problem with TRANSLTR.† Strathmore closed the refrigerator and looked at Chartrukian casually. â€Å"You mean the Run-Monitor?† Chartrukian looked shocked. â€Å"You mean you’ve seen it?† â€Å"Sure. It’s running at about sixteen hours, if I’m not mistaken.† Chartrukian seemed puzzled. â€Å"Yes, sir, sixteen hours. But that’s not all, sir. I ran a virus probe, and it’s turning up some pretty strange stuff.† â€Å"Really?† Strathmore seemed unconcerned. â€Å"What kind of stuff?† Susan watched, impressed with the commander’s performance. Chartrukian stumbled on. â€Å"TRANSLTR’s processing something very advanced. The filters have never seen anything like it. I’m afraid TRANSLTR may have some sort of virus.† â€Å"A virus?† Strathmore chuckled with just a hint of condescension. â€Å"Phil, I appreciate your concern, I really do. But Ms. Fletcher and I are running a new diagnostic, some very advanced stuff. I would have alerted you to it, but I wasn’t aware you were on duty today.† The Sys-Sec did his best to cover gracefully. â€Å"I switched with the new guy. I took his weekend shift.† Strathmore’s eyes narrowed. â€Å"That’s odd. I spoke to him last night. I told him not to come in. He said nothing about switching shifts.† Chartrukian felt a knot rise in his throat. There was a tense silence. â€Å"Well.† Strathmore finally sighed. â€Å"Sounds like an unfortunate mix-up.† He put a hand on the Sys-Sec’s shoulder and led him toward the door. â€Å"The good news is you don’t have to stay. Ms. Fletcher and I will be here all day. We’ll hold the fort. You just enjoy your weekend.† Chartrukian was hesitant. â€Å"Commander, I really think we should check the-â€Å" â€Å"Phil,† Strathmore repeated a little more sternly, â€Å"TRANSLTR is fine. If your probe saw something strange, it’s because we put it there. Now if you don’t mind†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Strathmore trailed off, and the Sys-Sec understood. His time was up. â€Å"A diagnostic, my ass!† Chartrukian muttered as he fumed back into the Sys-Sec lab. â€Å"What kind of looping function keeps three million processors busy for sixteen hours?† Chartrukian wondered if he should call the Sys-Sec supervisor. Goddamn cryptographers, he thought. They just don’t understand security! The oath Chartrukian had taken when he joined Sys-Sec began running through his head. He had sworn to use his expertise, training, and instinct to protect the NSA’s multibillion-dollar investment. â€Å"Instinct,† he said defiantly. It doesn’t take a psychic to know this isn’t any goddamn diagnostic! Defiantly, Chartrukian strode over to the terminal and fired up TRANSLTR’s complete array of system assessment software. â€Å"Your baby’s in trouble, Commander,† he grumbled. â€Å"You don’t trust instinct? I’ll get you proof!† How to cite Digital Fortress Chapter 19, Essay examples

Rape Law Essay Example For Students

Rape Law Essay Only Words, by Catharine MacKinnon is a collection of three essays; each essay argues her claim that sexual words and pictures should be banned instead of Constitutionally protected under the First Amendment as free speech. In her first essay, Defamation and Discrimination, MacKinnon takes the stance that pornography is sex, and should not be treated as speech, but as a sexist act. She claims that pornography is an action, just as, a sign saying White Only is only words, but it is seen as the act of segregation that it is.(MacKinnon 13) MacKinnon claims that other action words, such as death threats, are banned, pornography should be banned as well. According to her essay, pornography rapes women. First, the photographers select already victimized women to be photographed, and thereby re-victimizing them. Then each man who views the pornography uses the ideas he attains from it to force his own sexual partner to perform the acts in the pornography. In the second essay, Racial and Sex ual Harassment, MacKinnon states, if ever words have been understood as acts, it has been when they are sexual harassment.(MacKinnon 45) She explains how written words can have the same effects on a reader as an action. They can evoke the same fear and violation as a physical threat of rape. In her final essay, Equality and Speech, MacKinnon suggests that the words as actions that she has describes in her previous essays should be subject to a group defamation lawsuit. She states that the Constitution protects speech that promotes sexual inequality. She feels that the Fourteenth Amendment should cover the discrimination allowed in the First Amendment. Susan Estrichs Real Rape is an essay preaching proposed changes in rape statutes. Estrich first describes, in great detail, the history of rape legislation in England. She follows pertinent cases through history, citing changes and analyzing the effects of those changes. Estrich bases her findings on summaries, dissents, and other legal documentation. She then describes the current law, and evaluates how it has changed the way in which the court views rape. Throughout her essay, Estrich makes a distinction between classic rape and simple rape. She defines the former as aggravated rape by a stranger, and the latter as rape by a date or acquaintance. Estrich focuses on simple rape for the majority of her thesis. To conclude, she proposes changes in the current law to make a simple rape conviction easier to attain for a truly victimized woman. Throughout the years, the legal definition of rape has been reworded, revised, and reworked. Even so, the definition current to Real Rape is lacking in many aspects. To understand the progression of the law, it is important to understand its foundation. Modern rape legislation is still based upon the outdated opinions of Chief Justice Matthew Hale of England, who lived over three hundred years ago. His opinion is that rape is a charge easily to be made and hard to be proved, and harder to be defended by the party accused, tho never so innocent.(Estrich 5) This principle requires the victim of the rape to prove that she free of guilt in order to attain a conviction for her attacker. Based upon Hales position, rape has come to require proof of physical resistance on the part of the victim. The man must have used ample force, as well. The law required corroboration on the victims testimony. A time limit was imposed on how long after the event a woman could report it. In addition, the vi ctims sexual history could be submitted as evidence in order to discredit her, but the exposure of a mans past was rarely allowed. Most states also included a provision that protected a man from rape charges against his wife. .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f , .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f .postImageUrl , .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f , .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f:hover , .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f:visited , .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f:active { border:0!important; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f:active , .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufc448ae45df141803e24e4b5d77f751f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Life and times of fredrick douglas EssayIn practice, these limits and restraints did not affect the conviction rates of stranger rape. Simple rape, however, has been extremely hard to prove. In cases of simple rape, if the jury decided to convict, the court of appeals usually overturned the decision. In 1889, the Supreme Court of Nebraska reversed a conviction, reasoning that, voluntary submission by the woman, while she has the power to resist, no matter how reluctantly yielded, removes from the act an essential element

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Life Expectancy in the Developing World

Introduction Certain factors such as poverty, poor health conditions, rapid industrialization, and lack of food safety measures explain why life expectancy is too low in the developing world. Many people in the developing world do not have access to clean water or â€Å"uncontaminated† food. Rapid industrialization explains why many countries have a low life expectancy. As described in this paper, rapid industrialization and food safety standards are the major causes of low life expectancy in the developing world.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Life Expectancy in the Developing World specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Food Safety Standards Food safety is a key pillar towards a better life. Different governments use various standards to ensure their citizens consume uncontaminated food. Poor food handling and storage results in poisoning. Food marketers and producers cannot adopt such â€Å"food standardsâ €  especially in the developing world. Many people in these countries prepare food using â€Å"unhygienic† methods (Condrad, 2000). Some traditional methods of food production are also â€Å"dirty†. These examples explain why many people continue to consume â€Å"unhealthy† foods. Lack of proper safety measures during preparation, storage, and handling explains why people consume contaminated food (Al-Kandari Jukes, 2012). Such foods are the only sources of livelihood to many people in the developing world. The number of people dying in the underdeveloped world after consuming â€Å"unhealthy† foods or substances is on the rise (Baumgartner, 2000). Many people in the developing world also live below the poverty line. These people do not worry about â€Å"food safety standards† because the food itself is a problem. The first solution to this problem is to educate every person in the developing world about the importance of proper food production and preparation practices. By so doing, more people will embrace the importance of consuming healthy foods. The targeted people will reduce chances of food poisoning and eventually increase their life expectancy. Many citizens are living in absolute poverty (Baumgartner, 2000). This fact explains why many people in the developing world do not care about food safety or poisoning. The government should therefore empower such people by providing healthy food substances to them. The government should also encourage its people to follow modern â€Å"procedures† of food preparation. The government should also implement the best measures and practices to ensure people handle and store food properly. These laws and policies will encourage more people to consume uncontaminated food (Baumgartner, 2000). Citizens should always consume clean food and water. This approach will reduce chances of poisoning and eventually increase life expectancy.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Rapid Industrialization Industrialization affects different ecological systems and zones in a negative manner. Many countries in Latin America, East Asia, and Africa are currently experiencing the benefits of industrialization. As well, such countries are experiencing fast â€Å"rural-to-urban† migration. More people are embracing the use of modern cars, energy, and gadgets. Any progress arising from industrialization causes pollution and environmental degradation. These practices reduce a person’s life expectancy. For example, increased levels of smog in China are responsible for increased cases of lung diseases including cancer (Zheng Kahn, 2013). The developing world continues to encounter new challenges such as pollution. Most of these pollutants are toxic to human beings and the environment. The world is becoming unsustainable as every country strives to compete in the global market. The process has increased the amount of pollutants in the natural environment. As Zheng and Kahn (2013) observes, more people continue to die at a younger age in the undeveloped world. Many people in â€Å"developing† world do not care about their environment. This is the case because every individual is working hard to become successful. The wave of industrialization continues to pollute and contaminate both water and air. That being the case, the government should implement new policies to monitor the behavior of certain companies (Condrad, 2000). Every person should use the best agricultural practices to reduce pollution. It is also necessary to make the environment sustainable. People should be encouraged to conserve and recycle every resource they have. Although industrialization is a good thing, every person should make the best decisions about the process (Zheng Kahn, 2013). There is need for businesses and individuals to recycle different materials an d use â€Å"sustainable† sources of energy. The government should educate its people about the best practices towards a sustainable universe. This strategy will increase the level of life expectancy. Conclusion According to Zheng and Kahn (2013), the gap between the developing world and the developed world in terms of industrial and economic capacities is getting smaller. However, most of the practices associated with economic development have certain negative implications. Rapid industrialization is capable of lowering people’s life expectancy due to pollution and environmental degradation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Life Expectancy in the Developing World specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many people in the developing world are facing â€Å"food insecurity† and â€Å"poor safety standards†. Governments should put in place the best policies to control pollution and improve  "food-handling† practices. Reference List Al-Kandari, D Jukes, D 2012, ‘The food control system in Saudi Arabia – Centralizing food control activities’, Food Control, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 33-46 Baumgartner, P 2000, ‘Food safety’, Australian Journal Of Nutrition Dietetics, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 227-228. Condrad, W 2000, ‘Fresh Ideas for Food Safety’, Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 108, no.11, p. 516 Zheng, S Kahn, M 2013, ‘Understanding China’s Urban Pollution Dynamics’, Journal Of Economic Literature, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 731-772. This essay on Life Expectancy in the Developing World was written and submitted by user Mar1e to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, April 10, 2020

How to Write a Professional Sample Essay For the Purpose of the Desire to Manage Property in Real Estate

How to Write a Professional Sample Essay For the Purpose of the Desire to Manage Property in Real EstateWriting a professional sample essay for the purpose of the desire to manage property in real estate can be quite a tedious task if you have never done it before. However, this is actually one of the most important things that you will ever do in your life. You have to make the most of every single minute that you spend on the internet so that you can realize the best results.To get a better result, you should really make sure that you do a good job on your professional sample essay. Before starting the process, you should do some research. The internet is really good for this, so you should make sure that you make use of it for the purpose of the desire to manage property in real estate.It is important that you know how things will go on the internet so that you can make an opportunity pop up when the time comes. For instance, you should write your thoughts on how these issues are affecting your property. You should also try to come up with your own ways to solve those problems. Doing so can give you a more realistic look at how things will work out.Writing an essay online is going to be much easier if you have taken enough courses on how to do things. The reason is that you need to go over everything very carefully. In the same way, you should not allow yourself to take your passion and enthusiasm for the topic too far away from reality. You should have confidence in what you are writing and make sure that you are able to accomplish that.Always remember that the purpose of the essay is not to make a personal feeling out of what you have written. That can definitely confuse people who read it so it is better to keep it simple. While you are at it, be sure that you can make the best use of the technology available to you.An essay online should be brief, to the point, and easy to understand. Don't make it too long because that can make the reader leave the site after the first few sentences. You should also avoid putting yourself in the situation where you become self-absorbed. You should also make sure that you keep all of your grammar and spelling errors to a minimum.Do a good job on your sample essay because this is the basis for getting into a good real estate school and also for landing a great job in the future. Make sure that you write one that is not going to make you stressed and emotional so that you can keep on the right track. Even though it might seem hard, you can easily make a better impression with a well-written essay and you will find yourself much happier about doing so.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Management and welfare The WritePass Journal

Management and welfare INTRODUCTION Management and welfare , the Home Office revealed that it has committed to providing an additional 400,000 pounds a year for three years to improve the services to support young people under 18 suffering sexual violence and exploitation. As the funding is open to all, my task would be to send in the aforementioned action plan and proposal and request funding for Make a Difference Home (Home Office, 2012). The next critical step will be approaching and aiming to work in partnership with local charities, voluntary and community organisations, the NHS, Community Safety Partnerships and families and communities. This will require two months of work. For example, Women’s Aid, a national charity which has a network of over 900 domestic and sexual violence services across the UK will be the first port of call. I will also set up a meeting with the managers behind the â€Å"White Ribbon Campaign†Ã‚   which is a global campaign that ensures that men take more responsibility for reducing the level of violence against women. A collaboration with these local services and charities would also represent an effective means of recruiting volunteers and health care workers to perform various roles in Make a Difference home. There are a number of resources that will be needed to carry out each of these tasks. For example, I will need access to a database of charities and initiatives working towards alleviating the stresses caused by domestic violence. I hope to gain this access following registration with the CQC and permission by the Council. I will also need to print a detailed proposal and flyers that can be distributed across other charities. This will require a number of trips to a printing service. Following the completion of these tasks over six-months, there will be a three month review period for Make a Difference home to monitor progress and ensure our aims are being met. CONCLUSION There is no doubt that there are a number of challenges associated with setting up a residential home for victims of domestic violence. Slow processing of applications, need for adequate funds, difficulties in setting up meetings and time constraints may all play a role at some point during our project. It is for this reason that a supportive and committed team is absolutely essential. It is important that in our team, our roles are not set, but can interchange so that we are constantly supporting each other. In conclusion, I am confident that the Make a Difference home holds great potential in alleviating the pain that victims of domestic violence suffer and I have high hopes for its success in the future. References Home Office (2012) Crime: Young people’s advocate on sexual violence and exploitation. Working Paper. National Center for Injury Prevention and control, 2003. Costs of intimate partner violence against women in the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA (2003). Royal College of Nursing (RCN), 2010. Consultation on Care Quality Commission Reviews 2009/10. [Viewed on 24th April 2012]. Available from Shipway, L. 2004. Domestic Violence: A Handbook for Health Professionals,

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Personal Statement Ideas

Personal Statement Ideas It has come time for you to write your personal statement, but where should you begin? We’ve gathered ideas for personal statements that will get your wheels turning and your pen writing! These personal statement ideas will help you draft the ideal statement for your college application and leave you in a shining light. Ideas for Personal Statement When you are beginning to think about how to write your personal statement, you might become overwhelmed with all the possibilities and where you should start. A personal statement for college is how you will explain what sets you apart, and how you are the right choice for the newest addition to the course. Even if you are not familiar with the specific format of a personal statement for college, you can go ahead and brainstorm ideas about what you want to include. Ideas for a personal statement draft can include: Articulating the Self Creating a thinking family tree Framing the sentences of purpose In order to draft your personal statement, take some time over a period of a few days to jot down notes. In your notes, write down anything and everything you have achieved, experienced, or currently do. Especially pay attention to anything that will be relevant to the course you want to study as well as the career path you intend to take. After all, any ideas for personal statement can be used as long as they are relevant to your personal journey and/or the course you want to pursue. To take a further look of the above examples on how to generate ideas for a personal statement, we have expanded the above examples in a step-by-step guide. ARTICULATING THE SELF Divide a sheet of paper into three columns: Traits, Values, and Key Moments Think about someone who knows you really well, a close friend or family member. Write down any negative and positive traits they would use to describe you and do not be afraid to write down the negative parts! For example, you might include: impatient, bold, creative, messy, etc†¦ In the second column, Values, write down everything that is important to you. Expand on ideas such as family, friends, or love and find the root of why these things are important to you. Does someone always have your back? What strong routines does living with your family make it so special? Everyone will have similar aspects of life they value, but the little differences will help you stand out. In the final column, take twenty minutes or so to think about your memories before jotting anything down. These key moments can be large or small, but they should be moments in your life that helped define who you are today. These moments should be when you felt the most alive. Describe one or two of these moments in a few paragraphs with a purpose of showing the reader how you felt and what you experienced. Taking the time to describe the moment in as much detail as possible will help you find your voice. The more moments you describe, the easier it will be to trace a pattern of similarities within the key moments of your life. They will show who you once were, who you are now, and who you aspire to be. And the more you write, the more confident your voice will be. CREATING A THINKING FAMILY TREE This exercise is more difficult but it is recommended to help you with your personal statement. Everyone of us has been influenced by individuals in our life that are not our family. To help discover yours, draw out a family tree or find a template to use. Once you have your family tree, start to fill in the blanks of who your intellectual or spiritual ‘family’ members are. For example, if you are directly influenced by a singer or author, she could be your intellectual ‘mother’. Naming all the individuals who make up your ‘thinking family tree’ will help you articulate your priorities and how you’ve learned to make your way in the world. These influences can directly transfer to creating your personal statement. FRAMING THE SENTENCES OF PURPOSE Being direct and specific can oftentimes be the best brainstorming activity. Some questions you can answer to help trigger ideas for a personal statement could be: What mistakes have you made that have taught you something about yourself? When have you been so involved in an activity that time seemed to melt away? Make a list of honest ideas, books, theories or movements that have impacted your life. How do your current commitments reflect your values? Where or when in your life do you seem to waste the most time? When do you find that you do your best and most creative work? Explain how you are you a typical product of your generation and/or culture? How can you deviate from what is considered normal? Personal Statement Topic Ideas When it comes to writing a personal statement, you need to be sure to include personal statement ideas for college. This specific format is expected to be used when you submit your personal statement with your college application. Personal statement topic ideas that you can use are: Telling your personal experiences that are relevant to the course of interest. Tell your readers why you are interested in the course. Share what you have done outside the classroom. This could be anything from your work experience, volunteering, conferences you have attended (that are relevant to the course). Explain why your personal experiences are relevant to the course. Explain why and how your personal experiences will be relevant to your future career. Demonstrate any transferable skills. Show the readers you are a critical thinker. Explain your long-term plan. What will you be doing in five years? Ten years? Any real world applications you have done or used that are relevant to the course. Keep a positive and enthusiastic tone in your writing. Remember, your personal statement is exactly that, personal! Share your story and anything that can help you stand out, and the admissions boards will be excited to learn more about you!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Applied thermodynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Applied thermodynamics - Essay Example The agency is doing a very good job in conserving the environment. It is agreeable that global warming is an impending danger to the world. However, it is not quite sensible to consider dictating to countries on how to manage the environment, especially if major economic resources are concerned. By this, countries that depend on coal as the main source of energy may require to take a lot of time so that they can establish infrastructures for alternative energy. The ambition by America and other supporters of the demands to slash carbon pollution from coal industries contravenes other international rules. According to the rule, economic activities of a large group of people should not be interrupted without a remedy, (James 2013). This means that America should help the affected these countries to establish alternatives sources of energy. Alternatively, it is important for all stakeholders to build political consensus so that the transition can be articulated without causing acrimony. All nations that are concerned should discuss and reach a conclusion that is friendly to

Monday, February 3, 2020

Federalism and Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Federalism and Business - Essay Example A federal system is favourable than a unitary one because the state territories can be used as laboratories to try out business policy changes such as several fusions of laws, technological adjustments and tax policies. New policies are important to promote competitiveness as time goes by. It is easier for a federal government to perform experiments on policy changes since it can use a selected state as a ‘lab rat’. This experimentation phenomenon has been successfully used severally in the UK in health, education and economic policies (Martin & Sanderson, 1999, 249). If a policy leads to better business performance in the selected state, it can then be used throughout the regions. If disastrous, the federal government can correct or control the effects more economically unlike a central government. Centralized governments employ more of similar policies in the entire area of governance. They are therefore reluctant to try out new policies due to extensive risks likely t o affect the entire economy (Rich & William, 2002, 58). State governments have more information on their constituents’ needs than the central government. Presumably, decentralized governments are closer to their constituents and are more likely to have better knowledge of local cost conditions and preferences. If such information is publicized, businesses can be able to take advantage of the market niche that needs to be filled. Even though the central government can theoretically employ local agents, they will probably have less political incentive to put into account their constituents’ needs above those of local government agents. The states will therefore have a relative advantage over the central government in experimentation and creating variation.... The states will therefore have a relative advantage over the central government in experimentation and creating variation. Federalized governments are better supervisors of business and business related activities. This is as a result of reduction in complexities associated with bureaucracies in centralized governments. Federal governments can therefore be said to be more effective in performing their supervisory duties to the public. According to Lord Bryce in Zavodnyik, 2011 (p65 - 68), the growth in civil order in the United States has been as a result of state governments ability to closely monitor affairs of the citizens than congress was. As per Zavodnyik, this is one of the factors which drove USA to being one of the largest and most organized economies in the world. The US through its states system can better enforce business contracts in the states. It can also perform more effective control in the respective state markets due to ‘closeness’ of the government to the people. This reduces counterfeits and the number of transactions performed in the black market. Fabbrini 2009, in the book ‘Democracy and Federalism in the European Union and the United States: Exploring Post-National Governance’ seconds this pointing the US and UK as the countries with the lowest levels of counterfeit products in their territorial markets. Even though the governments may use the federal government to reduce illegal trades in order to maximize on the amount of taxes it collects, this promotes businesses whose markets are put at risk by counterfeits and illegal transactions which are expensive (European Center for Security Studies, 2010, 103). This creates a conducive breeding ground for businesses since it means less bureaucracy and red tape measures which